Not Enough

Amit Kamble
1 min readMar 14, 2024

When I just walk
Minding my own business
That’s enough

When I play with my toys
Just having fun
That's enough

When I move in my car
To give what you asked for
That's enough

When I have a bad moment
Dealing with my ill mind
That’s enough

When I peacefully protest
To ask for my rights
That's enough

I think even if I smile at you
Surrender myself to your power
That will still be enough

Enough to doubt me
Enough to judge me
Enough to harm me
Enough to legally murder me

There seems to be no scenario where you spare me

The monster that you think of me is within you
Unless you kill that monster first
It won't be enough

Unless you give up your prejudice
It won't be enough

Unless you realize
Unless you sincerely apologize
It won’t be enough

Unless you stop killing me
It won't be enough

I know that won’t happen
You won’t change your mind
You won’t stop hurting me
You don’t give any shit

So Unless you get caught
Unless you get punished
Unless you get what you deserve
Unless you go behind bars and serve

Unless I get my justice
It simply, won’t be enough


