Living it

Amit Kamble
1 min readMar 25, 2024

I have never thought about
Walking down the road and getting undone by death machines

I have never heard them but
The deafening screams are in my head

I have never smelled it but
Smell of death reaks and reaks

I have never touched it but
I feel the cold hands in the rubbles

I have never tasted it but
Seeing them eat grass have put knots in my stomach

I have never ran away from them but
the intense bombs have destroyed me

I have never burned myself
But the extreme form of protest has left a big scar

I have never carried it but
The weight of carrying a lifeless loved one has bogged me down

I have never lost anything but
Seeing them loose their lands
Loose their innocence
Loose their dignity
Loose their voice
have left me hopeless

I am just an observer but they are the ones living it

